NITI AYOG UNIQUE ID: DL/2018/0217470

NRIF is a not-for-profit, a multi-disciplinary research and consultancy society offering professional services / Turnkey jobs in the fields of: natural resources-agriculture, forestry, environment, science & technology, water management, rural livelihood, development finance, economic security, and women empowerment……….. programs in India & Abroad. It has a highly qualified and experienced team of planners, economists, engineers, sociologists and anthropologists adhering to the highest professional standards. An expert senior professional, who is supported by a multi-disciplinary team and a trained field staff, leads each of our projects.

NRIF expertise flows from three sources: –
  • A core group of empanelled professionals;
  • Specialists on roster and,
  • Eminent individuals as advisers.
  • NRIF experts also have an access and, liaison with global experts through its national and international agencies and, institutions.

Evaluation Villages For Nirmal Gram Puraskar in Karnataka


Publications & Reports

NRIF expertise flows from three sources: –
  • The NRIF operates in OVER 13 States of India, with Head office in NCT of Delhi besides Abroad.operating branches in USA & CANADA.
  • We in NRIF hold ourselves accountable to both those we seek to assist and, those from whom we accept resources.
  • NRIF handles assignments through a three-pronged approach to tackle any given situation viz.: –
  • GAL (Goals, Alternatives, Limitations) Concept in Project Planning & Methods to achieve goals;
  • Convergence / Divergence between Priorities-Implications for Project Design; and,
  • Communication Network procedures for the Clients as per the NRIF Philosophy.
  • NRIF Governing Body has a mix of members both from rural and, urban background, but they are keen to find ways to involve programme beneficiaries in the management along with the government field functionaries.
  • The NRIF has the extended administrative, infrastructures, managerial and, LAN Computer Systems, and, state of the art communication system support from: mg India

NRIF registered with VELMOC. ( The Biggest Network for NGOs )
Our Registration Number is : VNGORNO5048

• NRIF also has a status of a publisher and has published a Book on: “Poly Culture in Coconut for Humid Tropics and Coastal Plains” with the support of Planning Commission, Govt. of India. This Book serves as a Compendium for all those who are involved in development of coconut cultivation, processing, value-addition, marketing in Tropics and Costal Plains in different regions. It will be useful to the policy makers and planners for planning profitable coconut development in Tropics and Costal Plains in different continents and world over.

• NRIF registration is approved under Central Plan Scheme Monitoring System (CPSMS), Controller General of Accounts, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India.

• NRIF registered under NGO Partnership System, under Planning Commission, Govt. of India vide Unique Id of VO/NGO as: DL/2009/0016280.

awards and certificates